
I have been a subscriber to Mark Leibovit’s VR-Trader newsletter for approximately 20 years and depend on his market/economic insight each and every day.
I am a Registered Investment Advisor and his information has been “spot on” from when I began with him many years ago.

Mark not only dispenses market timing advice but valuable economic updates as it applies to all of us in the investing world.

This is my morning read each and every day as well as his intra-day market alerts which are also most valuable.

Over the years, I have tried many other analysts but have since discarded them as Mark is always the best.


President & Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA)

Member of National Association of Plan Advisors

1. Thanks so much for all the effort and wealth of forty plus years of experience you put into your newsletters. This has been consistently the best investment that I have made!
2. Your newsletters have helped me outperform just about everyone in my network. Your newsletters are more than a summary of information that I can find via the web and provide
so much direction of how to invest to reach my goals. Thank you, Mark!
3. I just want to say thank you for offering so much of your experience through the years! Many of my friends have subscribed to other newsletters that seemed to provide guidance through one cycle.
However, I know because of your wealth of “real world “experience that is foundational to each of your newsletters you have helped me succeed through the years.
4. I was skeptical at first of subscribing to your newsletters because of the experience I had with some of your competitors. I am happy to say that I have subscribed to you for many years now and continue to recommend you to my friends and family. Really appreciate the wisdom that you input into each of your newsletters. Appreciate you Mark!
5. Fifteen years ago, I never thought I would be in the place I am today financially. Thanks to you and your newsletter, I am recognized as an expert among my friends by providing them sound stock market advice. Your newsletters really have made me so much confident in my investing!
6. My dad always said that education is one of the best investments that I could make. He also shared, “make sure it is an experienced mentor that you get your education from!” I appreciate you mentoring your subscribers over the years Mark! Thanks for all you do and share!


Mark has always kept his word, in never letting me get caught in a bad down turn, and in contrast I never missed an upturn. I have met Mark at a seminar in person and he is very personal, I could listen to him talk all day long time subscriber


Your newsletters are always well written and really have made me so much confident in my trading!

Also, some of the ideas are excellent short term winners.

I like it a lot.



Hi Mark,

What can I say? You are at the top of the list when it comes to financial writers! Your consistency in providing your subscribers with the most accurate market analysis and profitable financial advice is unparalleled. I love reading your newsletter everyday and really appreciate your open minded views on how various events around the world affect the Financial Markets.
Since I have subscribed to your newsletter I have had a lot more people asking me where I get my financial advice from and I tell them “Mark Leibovit”. Thank you Mark. Love your newsletter!


Hi Mark,

Mark is at the top of the list of stock market timers and is often ranked #1. His volume reversal method gives you an early indication
of where the big money is flowing. If you want to find the next winners, Mark can tell you what they are.


I’ve been a subscriber to Mark as early as 1989. Learned of his exceptional market timing through him being one of the ten ‘Elves” on Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyer in the mid 1980s and also via the service that rates market timers call Timer Digest

After I lost much money in the 1987 stock market crash, I added Mark’s expertise as part of my tool box to prevent large losses and make good money when the market is in an uptrend. This enables me to keep my emotions out of my trading and meet my financial objectives.


I  have been a subscriber to Mark Leibovit’s VR-Trader newsletter for approximately 20 years and depend on his market/economic insight each and every day.
I am a Registered Investment Advisor and his information has been “spot on” from when I began with him many years ago.
Mark not only dispenses market timing advice but valuable economic updates as it applies to all of us in the investing world.
This is my morning read each and every day as well as his intra-day market alerts which are also most valuable.
Over the years, I have tried many other analysts but have since discarded them as Mark is always the best.

There seem to be as many newsletter writers as there are stars in the sky.
Whether these are wroth the money depends on 1. their experience 2. their timeliness after and 3. their accuracy.


Hi Mark.

Mark Leibovit, one of the original “Wall Street Elves” continues to amaze with his accurate calls on U.S. and Canadian equity and commodity markets. During the past 50 years, Mark has used a variety of sources not used by the “main stream” media to forecast short, medium and long term trends in markets. His VRTrader.com newsletters are valued by investors around the world.


Mark Leibovit is one of the “Great Thinkers” of our time.
Always look forward to having Mark on This Week in Money and HoweStreet.com Radio.

Tom Allen, Executive Producer
TalkDigitalNetwork.com/ HoweStreet.com

Trading ace has helped with market timing and individual stocks I highly recommend it.


I have known Mark and followed his work and technicals in the markeet for 4 decades and being in the business for five decades I find his discipline and morality a most valued reading each and everyday and as a human being he is of the first caliber. Mark is a super human being and I value his honesty and ethics.


I love reading Mark Leibovit’s newsletters. I look forward to his market analysis and his persona commentary. I read three newsletters blog posts just about every morning. Mark’s is always with my first cup of coffee. I first came across this Market Timer of the Year in 2015 duirng a World Outlook Conference host by Michael Campbell in Vancouver. Been following him ever since.
Mark, tahnks for all the good market ‘tips.


9:37 AM (7 minutes ago) to me I saw it moving then saw your rec – bought it for a a few clients and sold it north of 13. Great trade. Thank you.


Hi Mark,Thank you for your excellent Newsletter service that provides us financial information and training about economics and stock markets including some political impacts. If you do not send the Newsletters, then I feel like I am
lost. The previous charts you provided in the Newsletters were hard to read with 32 inch monitor, but the DIA chart in the 2/7/2018 letter is very readable.


I kept sing after you removed it from your bullish list. Glad I did. Bought at your recommended price of 0.055 to 0.065. Sold most shares at 0.105.  You got me started in this Company many years ago and it has been a good investment for me, many thanks

Thanks again, Mark


Great TSLA call with the puts. You perservered by getting back in and it has been my best trade of the year.Cheers,




Mark: You have been amazing. I am on board with TSLA and wish I had been on board so many of your other winners instead of watching like a deer in the headlights.Cheers,


Your newsletter is very worthwhile for both the overall market commentary and the additional articles that you include. They are things I would not see otherwise. It is people like you simply speaking truth that are making a real difference in this country.Thank You for your service



I have reached the age where it is time to leave trading behind & spend the few years I have remaining in a stress-free pursuit. From here on out, that means fishing with the grandkids.

Please cancel my subscription at the next renewal date. I have remained a subscriber for quite a few years because you are simply the best newsletter out there. I have learned much from you over the years and have made enough money from your guidance to be able to make the decision to leave it all behind me.

Thanks for all the help over the years. Best of luck- and next year in Jerusalem!
